We offer many opportunities for spiritual formation throughout the year:
We are currently studying Anne Lamott’s Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith. (Books are available.)
Two options on Sundays at 9 AM – click here to learn more.
Nursery is available upstairs, above
Memorial Hall, during Worship service,
between 10:15 – 11:30 AM
Mondays at 7pm in the Parlor
Meets 2nd floor, above Memorial Hall,
Sundays at 9 AM
Middle – High school students.
An annual trip to Montreat, NC to learn
and worship with other Presbyterians.
An annual trip to Montreat, NC to
worship, play, learn, and grow together
with loads of other Presbyterians.
An annual retreat to NaCoMe in western
Tennessee; a time to breathe, reconnect,
and enjoy God’s beautiful creation.