We are looking for a high-energy, upbeat individual to lead our handbell choir! The individual should serve the church’s music ministry in a way that is fun, grace-filled, exciting, and consistent with our mission and values, our Reformed theology, and our PCUSA polity.
Training in music with experience playing in a handbell choir preferred. Previous directing experience desired. Excellent verbal and written communication skills; excellent interpersonal skills; effective and efficient planning and organizational skills.
• Select, rehearse, and direct diverse music for the handbell choir to enhance worship.
• Direct the handbell choir during worship on a regular basis (approximately once per month) based on the season
and in collaboration with the Pastor and Music Director.
• Direct the handbell choir at Wednesday evening rehearsals and at Sunday morning rehearsals when the handbell choir is participating in worship.
• Rehearsals during the summer are at the discretion of the HBCD.
• Actively recruit additional members to join the choir.
• Offer a beginning and/or skill enhancement class at least once per year.
• Collaboratively plan for worship and the overall music life of the church with the Pastor and Music Director.
• Attending monthly meetings of the Worship Committee is encouraged.
• Seek opportunities for performance outside of worship to provide community outreach.
• Maintain the handbell music library.
• Order all necessary handbell music and other handbell program supplies in consultation with the Music Director or her/his designee.
• Ensure handbells, chimes, tables, table covers, etc. are properly maintained.
• Provide the Office Administrator the necessary information for the bulletin no later than Wednesday noon prior to any Sunday the handbell choir is participating in worship.
SALARY: $580/month
Four (4) octaves of Schulmerich handbells (G3 – G7) with cases
Three (3) octaves of Malmark choirchimes (C4 – C7) with cases
Five (5) Malmark choirchimes (C3-D3-D#3-E3-F3) with wheeled rack
Send an email with resume to personnel.hfpc@gmail.com. Note in the subject line Handbell Choir
Director. Complete job descriptions are available upon request.
Historic Franklin Presbyterian Church is an Equal Opportunity Employer.